| 2025-03-11 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Stats for 2025-03-10: avg T 50.8, max 64.8 @1626, min 36.5 @0804; avg dew pt 34.1, max 38.6 @1833, min 28.7 @0811; avg RH 54, max 74 @0801, min 37 @1539; avg SLP 1009.7, max 1012.7 @0022, min 1005.8 @2214; avg wind SW 2.9mph, max gust NW 22.6 @2316; total solar rad 271905, max 711 @1405, max UV 3.08 @1350. |
| 2025-03-10 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | The last vestiges of snowpack melted yesterday. Stats for 2025-03-09: avg T 43.0, max 54.3 @1715, min 31.3 @0750 (min WC 29.7 @0901); avg dew pt 31.5, max 36.5 @1320, min 26.7 @0750; avg RH 65, max 83 @0741, min 46 @1721; avg SLP 1014.6, max 1017.0 @1032, min 1012.5 @1800; avg wind W 3.1mph, max gust NW 17.0 @1502; avg solar rad 204.25, max 716 @1344, max UV 2.92 @1343. |
| 2025-03-09 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Less than 5% snow cover left, only in fully shaded areas (e.g. north side of houses). Stats for 2025-03-08: avg T 33.6, max 41.5 @1732, min 27.5 @0706 (min WC 22.4 @0916); avg dew pt 26.1, max 31.0 @0020, min 18.3 @1126; avg RH 76, max 98 @0020, min 51 @1651; avg SLP 1015.0, max 1017.9 @1124, min 1009.9 @0000; avg wind WNW 2.9mph, max gust WNW 15.9 @1235; total solar rad 254781, max 834 @1226, max UV 3.33 @1226. |
| 2025-03-08 | 7:00 AM | 0.08 | 0.5 | NA | 0.5 | NA | | Lt snow started between 1230 & 1300, lt snow becoming mod 1300-1330, mod-hvy snow (large flakes) 1330-1400, lt snow 1400-1420, mod-hvy snow (large flakes) 1420-1500, hvy snow (large flakes) 1500-1530, then transitioned to lt snow (small flakes) and continued to 1630, then occ flurries thru about 1800. At 1725, there was 0.5" on the snow board and 16.4g (0.08" SWE) in the gauge. It had taken a while for the snow to start accumulating; still 100% snow cover this morning. Stats for 2025-03-07: avg T 31.8, max 38.5 @1236, min 26.6 @0717 (min WC 24.4 @0158); avg dew pt 27.3, max 31.5 @1438, min 18.5 @0000; avg RH 84, max 97 @2215, min 56 @1243; avg SLP 1011.3, max 1014.2 @0544, min 1007.7 @1842; avg wind SSW 1.6mph, max gust SSW 8.5 @1254; total solar rad 89028, max 366 @0908, max UV 1.47 @0909.
| 2025-03-07 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Stats for 2025-03-06: avg T 30.4, max 35.6 @1704, min 26.8 @2323 (min WC 19.8 @0253); avg dew pt 22.3, max 27.4 @0000, min 17.6 @2252; avg RH 72, max 90 @0000, min 54 @1742; avg SLP 1007.5, max 1013.5 @2358, min 996.1 @0013; avg wind WNW 4.3mph, max gust WNW 23.0 @0103; total solar rad 176013, max 953 @1305, max UV 3.81 @1305. |
| 2025-03-06 | 7:00 AM | 0.27 | T | NA | T | NA | | Lt-mod rain 0950-1124, lt shower 1301-1307, lt rain 1359-1541 (except hvy 1412-1419), lt showers 1557-1635, lt-mod rain 1752-1857, lt rain 1930-2012, lt showers 2018-2045, lt rain/snow showers 2249-0150. Noticeable dusting of snow. Hourly estimates: 09 0.02", 10 0.09", 11 T, 13 T, 14 0.08", 15 0.01", 16 0.01", 17 T, 18 0.04", 19 0.01", 20 T, 22 T, 23 0.01", 00 T, 01 T. Stats for 2025-03-05: avg T 44.4, max 53.4 @0517, min 30.0 @2357 (min WC 22.5 @2347); avg dew pt 40.8, max 49.8 @0602, min 27.1 @2354; avg RH 87, max 94 @1935, min 76 @1357; avg SLP 988.5, max 996.7 @2354, min 984.4 @1401; avg wind SW 4.9mph, max gust NNW 28.9 @1052; total solar rad 72950, max 711 @1143, max UV 2.84 @1143. |
| 2025-03-05 | 7:00 AM | 0.40 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Lt rain 0912-1135 and 1143-1234, then lt-mod rain 1929-0120, lt showers 0459-0538, lt shower 0550-0607. Hourly estimates: 09 0.02", 10 0.03", 11 0.02", 12 0.03", 19 0.01", 20 0.03", 21 0.07", 22 0.05", 23 0.05", 00 0.06", 01 T, 05 0.02", 06 T. Stats for 2025-03-04: avg T 44.5, max 53.1 @1915, min 35.8 @0024; avg dew pt 33.8, max 42.5 @2355, min 22.6 @0327; avg RH 67, max 89 @1223, min 45 @0431; avg SLP 1007.5, max 1014.5 @0000, min 996.2 @2355; avg wind ESE 2.4mph, max gust ESE 11.2 @2255; total solar rad 83158, max 490 @1430, max UV 1.96 @1430. |
| 2025-03-04 | 7:00 AM | 0.01 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Lt rain showers 0558-0700 (just ended). Stats for 2025-03-03: avg T 31.9, max 38.3 @1741, min 21.6 @0305; avg dew pt 19.5, max 23.9 @2032, min 14.3 @0024; avg RH 60, max 78 @0310, min 48 @1351; avg SLP 1019.9, max 1022.5 @0441, min 1014.5 @2353; avg wind S 2.2mph, max gust SSE 11.9 @1511; total solar rad 98504, max 416 @1251, max UV 1.66 @1251. |
| 2025-03-03 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Stats for 2025-03-02: avg T 22.9, max 32.7 @1646, min 12.4 @0521 (min WC 8.9 @0023); avg dew pt 12.2, max 15.6 @1111, min 7.7 @0241; avg RH 64, max 84 @0524, min 44 @1637; avg SLP 1023.4, max 1025.6 @0923, min 1022.0 @1719; avg wind W 1.9mph, max gust N 14.5 @0023; total solar rad 197528, max 909 @1330, max UV 3.63 @1330. |
| 2025-03-02 | 7:00 AM | T | T | NA | 0.0 | NA | | A few flurries yesterday morning before 1000 and yesterday evening around 1900. Gauge caught nothing. Stats for 2025-03-01: avg T 25.9, max 38.7 @0000, min 19.2 @2356 (min WC 9.3 @2339); avg dew pt 14.8, max 29.7 @0000, min 7.7 @1334; avg RH 63, max 81 @0606, min 46 @1445; avg SLP 1014.0, max 1022.8 @2327, min 1001.1 @0000; avg wind NNW 5.7mph, max gust N 22.1 @1113; total solar rad 170948, max 971 @1219, max UV 3.88 @1219. |
| 2025-03-01 | 7:00 AM | T | T | NA | T | NA | | Period of graupel between 0355 and 0420. Gauge caught <1g. Stats for 2025-02-28: avg T 42.4, max 57.2 @1540, min 28.0 @0526 (min WC 26.1 @0737); avg dew pt 31.2, max 38.6 @1549, min 24.5 @0423; avg RH 67, max 89 @0657, min 47 @1523; avg SLP 1003.5, max 1013.5 @0000, min 995.6 @1705; avg wind S 4.6mph, max gust SE 39.4 @2127; total solar rad 209382, max 729 @1327, max UV 2.92 @1327. |
| 2025-02-28 | 7:00 AM | 0.02 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Lt showers between 1510 and 1615. Still some remnants of piled snow. Stats for 2025-02-27: avg T 38.4, max 48.9 @1409, min 32.5 @2357 (min WC 30.6 @0908); avg dew pt 34.2, max 40.1 @1345, min 26.9 @2348; avg RH 86, max 99 @0157, min 61 @1501; avg SLP 1009.3, max 1013.8 @2307, min 1006.4 @1503; avg wind WNW 3.2mph, max gust NNW 17.9 @1658; total solar rad 139741, max 925 @1245, max UV 3.63 @1245. |
| 2025-02-27 | 7:00 AM | 0.11 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Only scattered remnants of human-piled snow remain. Lt showers between 0900 and 1005, lt showers between 1330 and 1510, lt-mod rain 1512-1710, brief lt shower 1717. Hourly estimates: 09 0.01", 10 T, 13 T, 14 0.01", 15 0.02", 16 0.07", 17 T. Stats for 2025-02-26: avg T 34.2, max 40.3 @1254, min 27.1 @0120; avg dew pt 31.8, max 35.7 @1741, min 25.6 @0100; avg RH 91, max 98 @2149, min 77 @1248; avg SLP 1010.7, max 1013.9 @0546, min 1007.2 @2356; avg wind E 2.4mph, max gust E 11.4 @1158; total solar rad 61067, max 855 @1221, max UV 3.35 @1221. |
| 2025-02-26 | 7:00 AM | T | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Very lt rain yshowers esterday morning continued to about 0745. Snow covers less than 10%, all in afternoon shaded areas. Stats for 2025-02-25: avg T 43.1, max 55.0 @1343, min 29.1 @2334; avg dew pt 35.5, max 42.5 @1251, min 27.1 @2334; avg RH 76, max 94 @2339, min 54 @1546; avg SLP 1009.2, max 1012.6 @2346, min 1006.5 @0518; avg wind W 2.3mph, max gust WNW 28.4 @1635; total solar rad 221629, max 756 @1340, max UV 2.97 @1340. |
| 2025-02-25 | 7:00 AM | T | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Very lt rain showers since about 0625. Snow cover remains in mostly shaded areas. Stats for 2025-02-24: avg T 40.9, max 48.9 @1703, min 32.9 @0209 (min WC 30.0 @0317); avg dew pt 31.8, max 38.5 @1719, min 25.7 @0231; avg RH 70, max 78 @2353, min 62 @1052; avg SLP 1009.4, max 1014.7 @0000, min 1006.4 @1727; avg wind S 3.5mph, max gust SE 20.8 @1619; total solar rad 205237, max 645 @1143, max UV 2.53 @1143. |
| 2025-02-24 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Just less than 50% of the ground has snow cover, and maybe about 40% of my measurement path has snow cover. |
| 2025-02-23 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 2.5 | NA | | West facing slopes ~50% bare, south facing about 25%, otherwise wind-scoured areas now bare. 22pt ave snowpack 2.63" (std dev 1.0171 range 0.0 (1pt) to 4.6). Stats for 2025-02-22: avg T 23.4, max 31.8 @1603, min 13.6 @0719 (min WC 6.8 @0656); avg dew pt 14.1, max 19.4 @2341, min 9.3 @0750; avg RH 68, max 84 @0725, min 49 @1443; avg SLP 1025.5, max 1030.7 @0000, min 1021.6 @1823; avg wind SW 3.4mph, max gust SW 17.0 @1442; total solar rad 245964, max 712 @1323, max UV 2.71 @1323. |
| 2025-02-22 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 3.0 | NA | | Snowpack still above 2.75" in my backyard; however west-facing slopes have some bare spots now. Stats for 2025-02-21: avg T 23.2, max 29.7 @1426, min 19.9 @0422 (min WC 13.4 @2300); avg dew pt 16.0, max 18.7 @0002, min 14.1 @2347; avg RH 74, max 88 @0000, min 57 @1532; avg SLP 1033.6, max 1036.4 @1050, min 1030.7 @2347; avg wind WSW 2.9mph, max gust WNW 12.5 @0346; total solar rad 218595, max 909 @1335, max UV 3.46 @1335. |
| 2025-02-21 | 7:00 AM | 0.03 | 0.3 | 0.03 | 3.0 | NA | | Lt snow 0925-0930, 1010-1015, 1135-1140, 1230-1455, 1635-0025 (radar estimates). Gauge caught only 1.5g (0.0073"), board had 0.3" with core of 5.95g (0.0289") -- was quite breezy during snow, so reporting board core as Gauge Catch. Snowpack depth 23pt ave 2.93" (std dev 0.7564 range 2.0-4.6). Stats for 2025-02-20: avg T 15.9, max 21.6 @2335, min 8.8 @0657 (min WC -0.2 @0556); avg dew pt 11.5, max 18.6 @2350, min 4.8 @0818; avg RH 82, max 89 @0054, min 74 @1050; avg SLP 1027.2, max 1031.5 @2348, min 1024.4 @0419; avg wind WNW 3.8mph, max gust WNW 16.8 @1331; total solar rad 132991, max 571 @1100, max UV 2.17 @1100. |
| 2025-02-20 | 7:00 AM | 0.05 | 0.6 | 0.06 | 3.5 | 0.34 | | Lt snow 2030-2300, 2345-0000, 0225-0230, 0300-0325, 0520 (radar estimates). Gauge caught 11.2g (0.0544"), board had 0.6" and board core was 12.3g (0.0595"). 20pt ave snow depth 3.30" (std dev 0.6928, range 2.5-4.9). Core at 3.3" depth was 69.7g (0.3385"). Stats for 2025-02-19: avg T 14.5, max 19.8 @1440, min 9.1 @0222 (min WC 1.5 @0006); avg dew pt 7.6, max 12.8 @2138, min 3.2 @0005; avg RH 74, max 89 @2138, min 57 @1203; avg SLP 1029.7, max 1032.6 @0909, min 1025.9 @2356; avg wind WNW 1.6mph, max gust N 9.2 @1224; total solar rad 167053, max 565 @1135, max UV 2.08 @1135. |
| 2025-02-19 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 3.5 | NA | | Stats for 2025-02-18: avg T 8.8, max 16.5 @1539, min 1.6 @0655 (min WC -6.1 @0638); avg dew pt 1.1, max 6.2 @1954, min -4.1 @0000; avg RH 71, max 81 @0657, min 55 @1454; avg SLP 1029.8, max 1032.5 @2242, min 1025.4 @0003; avg wind WNW 2.3mph, max gust N 12.5 @1441; total solar rad 195486, max 879 @1328, max UV 3.24 @1328. |
| 2025-02-18 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 3.5 | NA | | Snowpack depth about 3.3" now. Stats for 2025-02-17: avg T 10.8, max 20.7 @0000, min 4.8 @2356 (min WC -5.7 @0748); avg dew pt 1.1, max 15.8 @0000, min -4.1 @2356; avg RH 65, max 81 @0000, min 51 @1654; avg SLP 1022.1, max 1025.8 @2351, min 1015.8 @0005; avg wind W 4.2mph, max gust W 17.7 @1317; total solar rad 238687, max 701 @1255, max UV 2.58 @1255. |
| 2025-02-17 | 7:00 AM | 0.03 | 0.3 | NA | 3.5 | NA | | Lt-mod snow showers between 1530 and 1815, and again between 2000 and 0030. Gauge caught 5.6g (0.027"); new snow a bit over 0.25". Stats for 2025-02-16: avg T 26.5, max 31.8 @0000, min 20.7 @2354 (min WC 12.6 @2312); avg dew pt 22.6, max 31.3 @0000, min 14.2 @2318; avg RH 86, max 98 @0000, min 64 @1520; avg SLP 1005.7, max 1015.9 @2353, min 998.9 @0531; avg wind NNW 5.1mph, max gust NNW 17.9 @1726; total solar rad 116227, max 642 @1241, max UV 2.37 @1241. |
| 2025-02-16 | 8:00 AM | 0.20 | 2.0 | 0.22 | 3.5 | NA | | Freezing drizzle ended by 1005. Lt snow, poss mixed with lt freezing rain 0000-0040; possibly occ very lt snow thru 0240; lt-mod snow, possibly mixed w/graupel or sleet thru 0525; snow resumed 0600, was mod-hvy 0630-0650, continued to 0730; then lt snow tapering off and all done by 0755. Then went out to measure 0800. Gauge caught 42.1g (0.2045"), board had 5 pt ave 2.0" snow, board core was 45.1g (0.2188"), snowpack ave 20pt was 3.405" (std dev 0.3706, range 2.7-4.0). Stats for 2025-02-15: avg T 31.1, max 36.5 @1438, min 23.5 @0002 (min WC 15.5 @0006); avg dew pt 28.9, max 34.7 @1438, min 21.6 @0002; avg RH 92, max 98 @2317, min 77 @0604; avg SLP 1013.2, max 1024.9 @0010, min 1004.4 @2354; avg wind ESE 2.8mph, max gust ESE 11.2 @0334; total solar rad 62087, max 308 @1236, max UV 1.13 @1236. |
| 2025-02-15 | 9:00 AM | 0.07 | 0.3 | 0.09 | 2.0 | NA | | Sorry, late obs today. Periods of lt snow 2210-0010; brief lt snow shower ~0050; lt snow showers 0505-0550; lt freezing drizzle since ~0745. No measurable ice coating the gauge. Gauge caught 14g (0.068"), board had 0.3" slushy snow, board core 17.6g (0.086"), snowpack 20pt ave 1.750" std dev 0.226". Stats for 2025-02-14: avg T 14.2, max 24.1 @2249, min 2.1 @0543 (min WC -4.8 @0606); avg dew pt 7.3, max 21.7 @2353, min -1.8 @0739; avg RH 74, max 92 @2353, min 56 @1508; avg SLP 1033.9, max 1039.9 @0955, min 1024.9 @2359; avg wind SSE 3.1mph, max gust ESE 11.2 @1440; total solar rad 135465, max 524 @1315, max UV 1.93 @1315. |
| 2025-02-14 | 7:00 AM | 0.02 | 0.2 | 0.02 | 1.5 | NA | | Lt snow 0710 to about 0930, then occ lt snow showers thru about 1130. Gauge caught 3.8g (0.0185"), board core 3.5g (0.017"). Stats for 2025-02-13: avg T 21.5, max 27.7 @1034, min 8.1 @2357 (min WC -1.1 @2301); avg dew pt 16.7, max 25.3 @0023, min 1.8 @2357; avg RH 82, max 96 @0023, min 68 @1638; avg SLP 1019.4, max 1033.9 @2357, min 1005.0 @0027; avg wind WNW 3.4mph, max gust WNW 17.2 @1519; total solar rad 54098, max 363 @1351, max UV 1.34 @1351. |
| 2025-02-13 | 7:00 AM | 0.22 | 1.1 | 0.19 | 1.5 | NA | | Freezing mist/drizzle had started by 1400; changed over to lt-mod snow by 1730. A period of sleet or graupel 1805-1850. Break in snow about 2110 to 2150; then periods of lt-mod snow to 0030; brief snow squall about 0130. Snow imminent (acc to radar) at Obs Time. Gauge caught 45.3g, 1.1" snow on board (above ~1mm ice layer). Board core (again, without the ice layer) 39.1g (0.19"). Snowpack average 1.4". |
| 2025-02-12 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Scattered areas of snow/ice, mostly in afternoon shade. Stats for 2025-02-11: avg T 27.7, max 33.3 @1558, min 21.7 @0242 (min WC 18.4 @2327); avg dew pt 17.8, max 21.3 @0057, min 14.3 @1324; avg RH 67, max 91 @0244, min 49 @1322; avg SLP 1023.8, max 1029.1 @0007, min 1019.2 @2327; avg wind ENE 2.6mph, max gust NNE 11.0 @1308; total solar rad 158869, max 617 @1326, max UV 2.20 @1326. |
| 2025-02-11 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Scattered snow/ice remains in areas with afternoon shade. Stats for 2025-02-10: avg T 23.9, max 32.2 @1608, min 14.7 @0156; avg dew pt 16.9, max 20.6 @2345, min 12.7 @0019; avg RH 76, max 94 @0117, min 53 @1601; avg SLP 1030.5, max 1033.5 @1110, min 1028.2 @0019; avg wind W 1.4mph, max gust WNW 13.2 @1454; total solar rad 199266, max 614 @1404, max UV 2.19 @1404. |
| 2025-02-10 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Snow/ice on ground unchanged. Stats for 2025-02-09: avg T 25.4, max 28.2 @0730, min 16.9 @2349; avg dew pt 20.7, max 25.8 @0713, min 14.2 @2328; avg RH 82, max 93 @0355, min 72 @1629; avg SLP 1024.4, max 1028.7 @2255, min 1015.9 @0000; avg wind NW 2.3mph, max gust NNW 11.9 @0125; total solar rad 65528, max 251 @1220, max UV 0.89 @1220. |
| 2025-02-09 | 7:00 AM | 0.20 | 0.2 | NA | T | NA | | Sleet first noted at 1237. Periods of sleet & snow (snow mod for a few minutes), then by 1325 was freezing rain with occ sleet to about 1545. Lt snow 2000-2010. Gauge caught 41.7g (0.2025"), gauge coated with 49.8g (about 1/3 covered, so ave ice thickness about 1.2mm or 0.04"). Snow board has 0.2" ice/snow, no idea how much was frozen before landing on board. Cannot get the gauge thru the ice on the board to get a core. Very little ice accretion on trees. Stats for 2025-02-08: avg T 26.4, max 29.7 @1255, min 21.2 @0046 (min WC 17.3 @0508); avg dew pt 21.8, max 26.1 @2224, min 16.9 @0000; avg RH 83, max 95 @1804, min 68 @1238; avg SLP 1015.6, max 1023.3 @0038, min 1008.1 @1540; avg wind ENE 3.8mph, max gust ESE 12.5 @0747; total solar rad 40085, max 185 @1122, max UV 0.65 @1122. |
| 2025-02-08 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Stats for 2025-02-07: avg T 25.2, max 31.5 @0000, min 19.6 @2321 (min WC 13.1 @0917); avg dew pt 15.8, max 21.9 @0004, min 10.5 @0520; avg RH 67, max 88 @2323, min 57 @0520; avg SLP 1023.0, max 1027.5 @1144, min 1015.0 @0000; avg wind NW 2.7mph, max gust W 17.7 @0143; total solar rad 153604, max 624 @1352, max UV 2.20 @1352. |
| 2025-02-07 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Stats for 2025-02-06: avg T 30.3, max 33.1 @2226, min 25.9 @0000 (min WC 17.6 @0016); avg dew pt 27.5, max 31.4 @0913, min 21.8 @2359; avg RH 90, max 99 @0845, min 67 @2224; avg SLP 1011.0, max 1015.0 @2353, min 1006.6 @0446; avg wind W 3.8mph, max gust WNW 18.1 @1437; total solar rad 40232, max 150 @1459, max UV 0.53 @1459. |
| 2025-02-06 | 7:00 AM | 0.05 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Freezing THUNDERshowers between 2200 and 0000. Ice thickness only about 1mm, the showers were brief and fairly intense. Gauge caught 9.9g or 0.048"; gauge was coated with 32.0g ice (would cover 1/3 surface area of cylinder to 0.8mm, mounting pole was downwind). Stats for 2025-02-05: avg T 24.9, max 27.3 @1651, min 22.5 @0709 (min WC 14.1 @0737); avg dew pt 18.6, max 23.9 @2359, min 15.5 @1131; avg RH 77, max 92 @2359, min 70 @1131; avg SLP 1024.1, max 1029.4 @0600, min 1011.1 @2355; avg wind E 5.1mph, max gust E 16.3 @1233; total solar rad 82996, max 360 @1247, max UV 1.27 @1247. |
| 2025-02-05 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Stats for 2025-02-04: avg T 30.5, max 33.8 @1441, min 24.8 @2302 (min WC 19.1 @2201); avg dew pt 23.5, max 31.0 @0000, min 18.1 @1431; avg RH 76, max 93 @0035, min 53 @1431; avg SLP 1025.8, max 1029.7 @2051, min 1016.9 @0000; avg wind N 4.0mph, max gust NNW 13.9 @1007; total solar rad 151265, max 728 @1220, max UV 2.57 @1220. |
| 2025-02-04 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | No more remnants of piled snow. Stats for 2025-02-03: avg T 43.7, max 56.5 @1631, min 33.1 @2336 (min WC 27.3 @2346); avg dew pt 40.3, max 48.3 @1633, min 31.0 @2344; avg RH 88, max 99 @0130, min 71 @1325; avg SLP 1012.8, max 1017.3 @0026, min 1007.8 @1550; avg wind ESE 2.9mph, max gust WSW 16.8 @1416; total solar rad 129366, max 647 @1345, max UV 2.28 @1345. |
| 2025-02-03 | 7:00 AM | 0.05 | T | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Still a few remnants of piled snow. Possibly freezing mist/drizzle between 0705 and 0735, and again 0900-0925. Freezing rain 0925-1117 with sleet around 1020 and then 1047-1056. 9.4g caught in gauge (0.046"). Did not have a chance to measure any ice accretion (was above freezing by 1230). Stats for 2025-02-02: avg T 32.0, max 40.1 @2139, min 23.9 @0000 (min WC 15.1 @0005); avg dew pt 29.7, max 38.7 @2117, min 19.8 @0132; avg RH 91, max 98 @1318, min 81 @0730; avg SLP 1018.2, max 1024.1 @0005, min 1014.8 @1505; avg wind SE 3.0mph, max gust ESE 13.0 @0116; total solar rad 39767, max 165 @1341, max UV 0.58 @1341. |
| 2025-02-02 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Remnants of piled snow remain. Stats for 2025-02-01: avg T 26.9, max 30.9 @0000, min 23.9 @2345 (min WC 15.1 @2358); avg dew pt 21.4, max 26.9 @0000, min 15.7 @1148; avg RH 80, max 90 @0456, min 63 @1148; avg SLP 1025.8, max 1030.4 @1109, min 1017.3 @0000; avg wind ENE 4.1mph, max gust E 14.1 @2359; total solar rad 148645, max 820 @1316, max UV 2.89 @1316. |
| 2025-02-01 | 7:00 AM | 0.23 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Still have remnants of piled snow. Rain showers between 0835 and 0930, 1030 and 1130, 1330 and 1350, 1455, 1525 and 1625, 1645 and 1750. Rain 1758-1906 and 1922-2006. Hourly estimates: 08 0.01", 09 0.01", 10 0.02", 11 0.10", 13 T, 14 T, 15 0.02", 16 0.01", 17 0.02", 18 0.04", 19 T, 20 T. Heaviest rain 1126-1129 0.07" est. Stats for 2025-01-31: avg T 37.1, max 40.3 @1254, min 30.9 @2354 (min WC 23.9 @2223); avg dew pt 36.5, max 40.3 @1254, min 26.9 @2354; avg RH 98, max 100 @0920, min 85 @2322; avg SLP 1007.6, max 1017.2 @2359, min 1002.8 @1230; avg wind ENE 3.5mph, max gust WSW 28.2 @1418; total solar rad 31770, max 232 @1202, max UV 0.82 @1202. |
| 2025-01-31 | 7:00 AM | 0.28 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Only remnants of piled snow remain. Lt-mod rain showers between 1805 and 1945, lt-mod rain showers (briefly hvy) between 2040 and 2230, lt shower 2333-2339, lt-mod shower 0046-0111. Hourly estimates: 18 0.06", 19 0.03", 20 T, 21 0.16", 22 T, 23 T, 00 0.01", 01 0.01". Stats for 2025-01-30: avg T 35.7, max 44.6 @1530, min 24.8 @0755; avg dew pt 28.4, max 37.8 @2307, min 21.1 @0538; avg RH 76, max 98 @2306, min 53 @1713; avg SLP 1016.0, max 1019.9 @0857, min 1010.7 @2359; avg wind S 1.6mph, max gust S 9.6 @2044; total solar rad 99111, max 422 @1115, max UV 1.49 @1115. |
| 2025-01-30 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Snow cover now about 5%. Stats for 2025-01-29: avg T 36.4, max 42.1 @1444, min 26.6 @2310; avg dew pt 25.5, max 29.1 @0002, min 20.3 @2316; avg RH 65, max 78 @2226, min 51 @1243; avg SLP 1009.5, max 1017.8 @2359, min 999.8 @0006; avg wind WNW 3.2mph, max gust WNW 19.2 @1103; total solar rad 168112, max 587 @1142, max UV 1.96 @1142. |
| 2025-01-29 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Snow cover now <10%. Stats for 2025-01-28: avg T 35.4, max 41.9 @1526, min 26.1 @0727 (min WC 24.2 @0613); avg dew pt 24.6, max 29.1 @1801, min 20.1 @0746; avg RH 65, max 79 @0722, min 53 @1249; avg SLP 1005.4, max 1011.3 @0911, min 999.3 @2248; avg wind SW 4.1mph, max gust WNW 18.8 @2348; total solar rad 168966, max 520 @1306, max UV 1.74 @1306. |
| 2025-01-28 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Snow cover now ~15%. Stats for 2025-01-27: avg T 26.3, max 37.6 @1614, min 14.5 @0649 (min WC 6.1 @0722); avg dew pt 14.9, max 24.5 @2232, min 7.5 @0745; avg RH 63, max 77 @0153, min 46 @1505; avg SLP 1013.8, max 1022.7 @0000, min 1005.6 @2350; avg wind WSW 4.9mph, max gust SW 20.1 @1457; total solar rad 169295, max 510 @1252, max UV 1.71 @1252. |
| 2025-01-27 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Down to about 25% snow cover. Stats for 2025-01-26: avg T 24.8, max 30.0 @0000, min 19.2 @2351 (min WC 14.6 @2356); avg dew pt 16.8, max 24.0 @0000, min 12.5 @2346; avg RH 71, max 78 @0000, min 65 @1446; avg SLP 1024.9, max 1028.7 @1123, min 1022.1 @0000; avg wind W 2.4mph, max gust WNW 13.2 @0201; total solar rad 131167, max 473 @1212, max UV 1.57 @1123. |
| 2025-01-26 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Still about 30% snow cover. Stats for 2025-01-25: avg T 26.8, max 35.8 @1454, min 16.2 @0000 (min WC 9.9 @0004); avg dew pt 18.5, max 25.3 @2144, min 8.3 @0005; avg RH 71, max 79 @2322, min 62 @1450; avg SLP 1021.1, max 1022.9 @0014, min 1019.3 @1804; avg wind SW 3.7mph, max gust WSW 13.0 @0934; total solar rad 126717, max 527 @1302, max UV 1.76 @1302. |
| 2025-01-25 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Less than 33% ground snow covered. Stats for 2025-01-24: avg T 12.4, max 19.0 @1506, min 2.7 @0738 (min WC -1.5 @0540); avg dew pt 5.4, max 8.9 @0010, min -0.1 @0806; avg RH 74, max 89 @0709, min 54 @1448; avg SLP 1023.9, max 1026.6 @1143, min 1022.4 @2357; avg wind SW 2.3mph, max gust W 11.2 @1248; total solar rad 159915, max 507 @1302, max UV 1.69 @1301. |
| 2025-01-24 | 7:00 AM | 0.02 | 0.2 | NA | T | NA | | Lt-mod snow showers 1114-1224, 1259-1517, 1810, 1930-2004, 2030-2104 (times from radar, I saw many but did not personally note times). A little less than 1/4" on the board. Gauge caught 4.6g (0.0223"), did not do a board core. Stats for 2025-01-23: avg T 20.0, max 26.6 @1305, min 13.8 @2358 (min WC 8.7 @2328); avg dew pt 12.9, max 21.8 @1254, min 5.7 @0106; avg RH 74, max 90 @1145, min 58 @0000; avg SLP 1020.4, max 1025.0 @2103, min 1016.6 @0416; avg wind WSW 3.1mph, max gust WNW 15.2 @1827; total solar rad 66250, max 403 @1253, max UV 1.38 @1253. |
| 2025-01-23 | 7:00 AM | T | T | NA | T | NA | | Occ lt snow showers/flurries between 2100-2330 and 0425-0655. Stats for 2025-01-22: avg T 7.5, max 19.2 @1550, min -5.3 @0000 (min WC -15.9 @0510); avg dew pt -2.7, max 11.3 @2204, min -12.0 @0000; avg RH 64, max 78 @0329, min 46 @1544; avg SLP 1024.8, max 1031.0 @0000, min 1019.4 @2359; avg wind S 3.5mph, max gust S 13.9 @1502; total solar rad 118172, max 530 @1246, max UV 1.82 @1246. |
| 2025-01-22 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Brrr!! Ground less than 40% snow cover. Stats for 2025-01-21: avg T 0.7, max 6.3 @0402, min -5.6 @2347 (min WC -18.1 @2152); avg dew pt -7.4, max 3.0 @0057, min -13.6 @1020; avg RH 69, max 87 @0051, min 51 @1244; avg SLP 1031.0, max 1032.7 @1115, min 1029.6 @0536; avg wind WSW 3.8mph, max gust SW 18.6 @1029; total solar rad 153379, max 489 @1247, max UV 1.66 @1241. |
| 2025-01-21 | 7:00 AM | 0.02 | 0.2 | NA | T | NA | | Radar indicated snow showers 0256-0311 and 0503-0517. A little less than 0.2" on board. Gauge caught 3.2g (0.0155"). Stats for 2025-01-20: avg T 4.9, max 10.8 @1551, min -1.3 @0811 (min WC -13.3 @0759); avg dew pt -5.2, max 0.4 @2359, min -7.9 @0816; avg RH 63, max 80 @2359, min 49 @1538; avg SLP 1028.6, max 1031.7 @1128, min 1023.3 @0000; avg wind W 4.0mph, max gust WSW 16.1 @1712; total solar rad 158990, max 491 @1249, max UV 1.67 @1249. |
| 2025-01-20 | 7:00 AM | 0.01 | 0.1 | NA | T | NA | | Gauge caught 1.4g (0.0068"), snow board has nearly 0.1" new snow. About 60% ground has 0.1" snow or less, remainder all less than 2". Occ. lt snow showers between about 0820 and 1600. Stats for 2025-01-19: avg T 15.7, max 20.8 @0000, min 4.8 @2355 (min WC -7.0 @2352); avg dew pt 9.6, max 15.6 @0953, min -3.1 @2355; avg RH 76, max 85 @1447, min 69 @2348; avg SLP 1018.3, max 1023.5 @2350, min 1015.8 @0429; avg wind NW 3.3mph, max gust WNW 16.1 @1736; total solar rad 59669, max 250 @1416, max UV 0.83 @1416. |
| 2025-01-19 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Stats for 2025-01-18: avg T 31.7, max 39.9 @0000, min 20.8 @2356 (min WC 13.2 @2301); avg dew pt 27.0, max 36.2 @0256, min 14.2 @2356; avg RH 83, max 95 @0749, min 70 @1718; avg SLP 1008.7, max 1016.8 @2313, min 1002.8 @0146; avg wind NW 4.1mph, max gust N 18.1 @1306; total solar rad 49353, max 213 @1351, max UV 0.71 @1351. |
| 2025-01-18 | 8:00 AM | 0.22 | 0.0 | NA | T | NA | | Reporting at 0800, I waited for lt rain to finish. Lt-mod rain 2338-0406, brief lt shower ~0420, lt rain 0532-0727. Snow cover less than 50%. Hourly estimates: 23 0.04", 00 0.03", 01 0.03", 02 0.04", 03 0.02", 04 0.01", 05 0.01", 06 0.04", 07 T. Stats for 2025-01-17: avg T 33.4, max 40.6 @2344, min 23.2 @0809 (min WC 19.3 @0803); avg dew pt 27.0, max 34.6 @2359, min 21.4 @0658; avg RH 78, max 94 @0804, min 63 @1451; avg SLP 1011.2, max 1016.9 @0008, min 1004.0 @2341; avg wind S 3.0mph, max gust S 14.5 @1251; total solar rad 150908, max 482 @1257, max UV 1.61 @1257. |
| 2025-01-17 | 7:00 AM | 0.00 | 0.0 | NA | 3.5 | NA | | Snow cover about 3.3" Stats for 2025-01-16: avg T 25.1, max 32.4 @1805, min 17.2 @0325 (min WC 8.2 @0146); avg dew pt 20.2, max 28.0 @2351, min 8.3 @0205; avg RH 82, max 92 @0405, min 66 @0205; avg SLP 1012.7, max 1018.3 @0000, min 1008.6 @0744; avg wind WSW 3.8mph, max gust WSW 14.1 @0105; total solar rad 50977, max 189 @1317, max UV 0.63 @1317. |
| 2025-01-16 | 7:00 AM | 0.04 | 0.3 | NA | 3.5 | NA | | Radar shows lt snow ~0240 to ~0445, then lt-mod snow shower ~0545 to ~0555. Gauge catch 7.5g. 12pt snow depth ave 3.66", std dev 0.365. |
| 2025-01-15 | 7:00 AM | 0.05 | 1.1 | 0.09 | 3.5 | NA | | Lt snow began ~0915, became mod snow by ~0945 (with periods of hvy snow 0955-1100), periods of lt snow 1120-1250, then occ mod-hvy snow squalls thru 1700. Gauge catch 10.8g, board core 18.7g (TROPO). Snow pack ave 10 pts is 3.4 (std dev 0.31). Stats for 2025-01-14: avg T 11.4, max 18.1 @1410, min 6.3 @0216 (min WC -2.9 @0105); avg dew pt 7.1, max 13.8 @1442, min 3.0 @0236; avg RH 83, max 89 @1027, min 71 @1529; avg SLP 1023.0, max 1029.7 @2355, min 1019.9 @0901; avg wind WSW 3.1mph, max gust NNW 14.3 @1502; total solar rad 51265, max 236 @1242, max UV 0.78 @1242. |
| 2025-01-02 | 7:00 AM | T | T | NA | T | NA | | Occ lt snow / flurries yesterday, no measurable accumulation. There was a few minutes of lt sleet around 1240. Gauge caught only 0.6g (0.0029"). Dusting of snow/ice pellets on the ground. Stats for 2025-01-01: avg T 30.5, max 34.7 @0417, min 26.8 @2223 (min WC 19.6 @2332); avg dew pt 25.7, max 33.0 @0402, min 18.8 @2337; avg RH 82, max 94 @0315, min 71 @1912; avg SLP 1016.3, max 1021.0 @2309, min 1009.9 @0000; avg wind WNW 4.0mph, max gust WNW 15.4 @1830; total solar rad 28614, max 385 @1443, max UV 1.23 @1443. |
| 2025-01-01 | 7:00 AM | 0.96 | 0.0 | NA | 0.0 | NA | | Hvy rain continue to about 0810, mod rain thru about 1025, then lt rain ending about 1335. Lt rain resumed after 1415 and continued to about 1650. Occ periods of mist/lt drizzle 1735-2035. Hourly estimates (>T): 07 0.44", 08 0.19", 09 0.11", 10 0.07", 11 0.06", 12 0.03", 13 0.01", 14 0.01", 15 0.02". Stats for 2024-12-31: avg T 37.0, max 41.7 @0428, min 33.1 @2023 (min WC 25.8 @2014); avg dew pt 34.8, max 37.8 @0706, min 31.1 @2321; avg RH 92, max 96 @1232, min 81 @0419; avg SLP 1001.5, max 1009.9 @2337, min 996.1 @1225; avg wind NE 5.9mph, max gust NE 19.0 @1049; total solar rad 24249, max 109 @1456, max UV 0.35 @1456. |